Ephox XML Namespace error in 6.5.2

We are trying to apply custom tages within our Ephox editor in 6.5.2 , such as:


we have created the button to do this via javascript, however on insert we recieve the following error message:

An error occurred while pre-processing the request submitted by the host (-not available-).
1 An exception occurred while processing the “PSXdTextCleanup” extension: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The prefix “shire” for element “shire:secure” is not bound…

We used to be able to fix this by editing the Tidy properties files, so any custom tags could be added in, however this does not seem to be picked up. Is there any other way we can achieve this?



This should still be controlled by the Tidy Properties file.

However, there is also a Control Parameter named “Configured namespace prefixes” that appears at the bottom of the control properties window. See screenshot.

I think you need this filled in with the “shire:” prefix before it will work correctly. I haven’t tried this before, so please make sure you report back when you get it working (so the rest of us will know).
