Error: data appears to be in the Office 2007+ XML

I have been able to create content items in Percussion until this morning. But today, suddenly this error started to happen.
I am able to create content items, but not able to save anything in the editlive fields.
Has anyone experienced this kind of error?


2013-09-22 10:14:01,109 ERROR [com.percussion.FTSIndexQueue] An unexpected exception occurred. The reason was: The supplied data appears to be in the Office 2007+ XML. You are calling the part of POI that deals with OLE2 Office Documents. You need to call a different part of POI to process this data (eg XSSF instead of HSSF). Please consult the log for further information.
2013-09-22 10:14:01,623 INFO [com.percussion.server.PSServerLogHandler] appid: 0 type: 1 time: Sun Sep 22 10:14:01 EDT 2013 msg: An internal error (end-condition) was encountered. An unexpected exception occurred:
An unexpected exception occurred. The reason was: The supplied data appears to be in the Office 2007+ XML. You are calling the part of POI that deals with OLE2 Office Documents. You need to call a different part of POI to process this data (eg XSSF instead of HSSF). Please consult the log for further information…
The call-stack was:
org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.OfficeXmlFileException: The supplied data appears to be in the Office 2007+ XML. You are calling the part of POI that deals with OLE2 Office Documents. You need to call a different part of POI to process this data (eg XSSF instead of HSSF)
at org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem.<init>(
at Source)
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That error is thrown by the full text search service when it can’t index a document. That shouldn’t prevent the item from being saved though. Make sure the patch level on that instance is current as there have been fixes to the indexer in recent patches.

If you temporarily disable full text search on your edit live fields on your content type are you able to update them?


[QUOTE=manvinder12;20936]I have been able to create content items in Percussion until this morning. But today, suddenly this error started to happen.
I am able to create content items, but not able to save anything in the editlive fields.
Has anyone experienced this kind of error?
