Error during PSOSpringWorkflowActionDispatcher action

I started to experience this problem on moving to a new environment. I believe I correctly changed the parameters in the

14:42:50,309 ERROR [PublishEditionService] Workflow not in configuration file 6
14:42:50,310 ERROR [PSOSpringWorkflowActionDispatcher] unknown error Workflow not in configuration file 6
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Workflow not in configuration file 6
at com.percussion.pso.workflow.PublishEditionService.findEdition(
at com.percussion.pso.workflow.PSOPublishContent.performAction(
at com.percussion.pso.workflow.PSOSpringWorkflowActionDispatcher.performAction(
at com.percussion.workflow.PSExecuteWorkflowActions.processResultDocument(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at com.percussion.cms.handlers.PSWorkflowCommandHandler.o00000(Unknown Source)

Any clue please??


What are you moving to a new environment? How are you moving “it” to the new environment? What did you change the parameters in?

Thanks bwilder…I copied those xml files to the new environment. I figured out the problem, as there was one transition id that was different in the new environment.