Error Initialising Content Explorer

Can anyone suggest a reason why we have started having problems with a particular user log in.

The Java Applet in the main body of the content explorer now fails displaying a red ‘X’ and only the top banner appears when the user is in the default local but not when we switch the user to an alternative locale.

I have deleted the user session information in the back end table PSX_PERSISTEDPROPERTYVALUES which has had no affect.

The Java Cosole log cotains the following:

EditLive! Quick Start applet loaded.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: load() must be called before calling getDisplayOptions()
at Source)
at Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)

No other users appear to be affected.


Try asking the user to clear the browser cache and the Java cache, then attempt to log in to the Rhythmyx server again.


Hi Thanks for the reply
Have tried what you suggested but it didn’t solve the problem.

Also tried logging in from different machine and get the same problem.


Your original post said only a specific login was having this problem? Were other users able to connect and start Content Explorer successfully?

One the second machine, is the same user having the problem, or is a different user?


The problem is specific to one particular user log in. The test on the second machine was using exactly the same log in details.

All other users in the same workflow and communities roles and the same locale can log in without a problem.


I think this issue should go to Tech Support.


Check for an entry in the PSX_PERSISTEDPROPERTYVALUES table where the USERNAME column matches the login name for that user with a PROPERTYNAME column value of “en-us_cxoptions” - delete that row if you find a match and see if that resolves the problem (this assumes you are using the US-English locale).

Hey guys thanks for the suggestions.

Already deleted the row in the database which had no effect and have reported the problem to tech support but no joy there either!