Error on Content Browser for a new site

We have a new site created. When trying to add items to the slot of the item, the content browser is not able to navigate thru the Site Search option.

We are not able to click on the site name folder, and browse thru the items list. Strangely, for other existing sites, we are very much able to click on the Site Folder in the Content browser, and drill down to the content items.

However, for this new site, it keeps on throwing a Javascript error.

Any clues??


Never mind…got the answer. You need to have the description for each of the sites that you have

Hi do you mind sharing how you solve this issue? I’m having the same problem, although I have a description already.



Are you getting a Java Script error when browsing for inline content or are you not seeing content available?


[QUOTE=catalina87;20935]Hi do you mind sharing how you solve this issue? I’m having the same problem, although I have a description already.


Hi Nate,

We are seeing the same issue, and it seems to happen for both sites that have a description and one’s that don’t as per Lucia’s case.

in Firebug you can see a javascript error occurring when you click on the Sites that don’t work. I’m assuming that the Dojo widget that you use for the browser users monitors the onclick event to pass the Site folder name to the search edit box which is then passed as a parameter to browse with. However when you click on a Site that doesn’t work you see a javascript error.

I managed to find a workaround, by putting in the /Site name into the edit box at the top and pressing enter, as this then allows you to start browsing through the site folder that otherwise you can’t click on.

Any idea’s on what is causing this issue as I compared the Site Folders and Site Definitions for ones that work and don’t work and they are essentially the same.

Appreciate for any guidance you can provide.



Hi Bal,

What browsers / CM version and Patch level are you running? This sounds ACL or Community/Workflow/Role visibility related to me but I could be wrong. I am not sure how the site description could cause this type of behavior.

What would be great is if we could sequence the steps to reproduce this, something like:

1.) Create a new root Folder.
2.) Create a New Site Definition that maps to that folder.
x.) Browse for content and get JavaScript error?

It’s clearly an error, we just need to sort out what situation/series of steps is causing it.



[QUOTE=balcheema;20942]Hi Nate,

We are seeing the same issue, and it seems to happen for both sites that have a description and one’s that don’t as per Lucia’s case.

in Firebug you can see a javascript error occurring when you click on the Sites that don’t work. I’m assuming that the Dojo widget that you use for the browser users monitors the onclick event to pass the Site folder name to the search edit box which is then passed as a parameter to browse with. However when you click on a Site that doesn’t work you see a javascript error.

I managed to find a workaround, by putting in the /Site name into the edit box at the top and pressing enter, as this then allows you to start browsing through the site folder that otherwise you can’t click on.

Any idea’s on what is causing this issue as I compared the Site Folders and Site Definitions for ones that work and don’t work and they are essentially the same.

Appreciate for any guidance you can provide.



Hi Nate,

Sorry for the late response - but have to reproduce the issue, but it seems to be difficult to pin down.

This is occurring on a system that has been upgraded from 6.5.2 > 6.7 > 7.3 and as the search site folder functionality wasn’t there in 6.5.2, the issues are with existing sites, as well as new ones that I create. So in order to give you more detail I ran through as series of test after finding one site that worked and one site that didn’t.

So Site 1 (Live) was working and Site 2 (Staging) was not - however they both pointed to the same Site folder which led me to think this must be something to do with the Site definition or community visibility.

Both Site 1 and Site 2 has exactly the same ACL’s and were added to the same community.

I made every field in the Site definition of Site 2 exactly the same and it still didn’t work.

Then for the working Site 1 - I decided to change the Site root folder it mapped to to another folder, and it still worked, in fact whatever folder I changed it to Site 1 continued working.

Any new sites I create are also not searchable so I will be raising a ticket against this - but I was just wondering what other things would be set around a site outside community visibility and the settings in its definition that could cause this.

I’ll be sending through a video of the issue as an End-user sees as part of the support issue it so you have a better idea of when the issue occurs, as well as the workaround of putting in the root site folder in the input box at the top of the ContentBrowser dialog, which allows you to go into the Sites you can’t click into.

Hopefully we’ll get to the bottom of this soon!



Just out of curiosity, did you clear the folder cache in between your tests? Should be doable via the admin console in the Admin tab…

Yup - did that didn’t make a difference. I ran both:

flush cache
flush foldercache

But didn’t seem to make a difference.

Have logged with TS now so hopefully will get to the bottom of it and pass on the info when it comes through.

Has no-one else other than Lucia seen this issue?



We have noticed that sites cannot be name certain reserved words as well. We tried to name one Library and that was a big no-no. It clashes with some of the functions in the javascript.

This has now been resolved - actually Manvinder’s earlier post gives the answer. EVERY site you have in your system needs to have a description for this to work. I was looking for descriptions in the sites that weren’t clicking, but once all of the sites had descriptions it worked as it should.

It all works fine now :slight_smile:

We will be logging a bug for this. in the least we could make the site description a required field…

[QUOTE=balcheema;21029]This has now been resolved - actually Manvinder’s earlier post gives the answer. EVERY site you have in your system needs to have a description for this to work. I was looking for descriptions in the sites that weren’t clicking, but once all of the sites had descriptions it worked as it should.

It all works fine now :-)[/QUOTE]