Error on Server Startup

I am noticing this strange error whenever I restart the Rhythmyx server. Since I am not anywhere invoking sys_wfAuthenticateUser extension, I dont understand what this error means.

09:39:49,515 ERROR [FTSIndexQueue] An unexpected exception occurred. The reason
was: An error occurred while making an internal request in the CMS layer to loca
tion: “psx_cemyURL/myURL”. The text of the exception is: An error occurred whi
le pre-processing the request submitted by the host (-not available-). An except
ion occurred while processing the “Java/global/percussion/workflow/sys_wfAuthent
icateUser” extension: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Type does not match.
(error code 1,108). Please consult the log for further information.
09:42:57,984 INFO [Aging Agent] Polling aging action at: Tue Sep 01 09:42:57 ED
T 2009…

Any clues…please help.


Looks like this is a Full Text Search issue. What version of Rx are you working with? Have you tried restarting the server?

v6.6 of rx, and yes it is appearing consistently on my server logs. I have restarted it many times, and it is still coming.
