Error on submit

I have a page in a review stage of my workflow, and I’m trying to submit it to the next workflow step. When I try to submit, I’m getting this error:

The revision ‘9’ does not specify the current revision for the item with content id ‘2,003’ but the user ‘lhashman’ does not have the item checked out.

I’m not sure what is happening here. Is it saying there is a more current version than the one I have opened to submit?

Hello Lisa,

We would like to create a support ticket to track this issue and get more details about the page with this issue.



This error can have more than one cause - the most common solution is to is edit this page (if it is already in Edit mode, close the page then go back to Edit) and click all of the ‘local content’ pencil icons on the page you are trying to approve. This means anything on the page that is not at the template level. If it prompts you to override any content, go ahead and do so.

This is a known issue, and we are working on a solution to avoid this problem.