Error opening the editor (critical)

I am working on a content type and I have been saving every few minutes as I am making changes. I added a couple new fields on to a content type and received an error on the save. I closed out of the workbench and re-opened. Now I cannot access the content type at all.

I get this error:
Error opening the editor. The requested object of type 'com.percussion.cms.objectstore.PSItemDefinition for id ‘8,589,935,011’ does not exist.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


This issue should go through Tech Support. Please log an incident on the support portal, make it’s priority critical.


I work with Christopher, and we resolved the issue. Somehow, after removing two local fields from the content type and replacing then with shared fields, the description of the content type (which I believe is stored in an XML file) became out of sync with the corresponding database table in the repository. In particular, the description of the content type was expecting two columns to exist in the database table that were no longer there. After I manually added those two columns, we could once again edit the content type.

I thought I would mention this here in case someone else gets an error message like this. What helped us to diagnose the problem was to restart the server and monitor the console.log file while the server started up. Although the error message that was shown in the Workbench (which Christopher included in the original post) was not specific, an error message was written to the log file during start-up that stated that a column was missing and named the column. Of course, after we added the first column, we got a second error message mentioning the second column, so you will want to restart the server and monitor the log file until no more error messages appear.

The error message in the log looked like this:

2011-03-04 20:31:01,480 INFO  [Server] Initializing application: psx_ceContentTypeName
2011-03-04 20:31:01,649 ERROR [Server] Error initializing application psx_ceContentTypeName: java.lang.RuntimeException: no such column COLUMN_NAME