Error trying to add a template to a content type

We’re currently using Rhythmyx 6.5 and receive the following error when trying to drag & drop a template to the “allowed templates and XSL variants” node of a content type.

com.percussion.client.PSModelException: org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConversionException: No converter registered for type org.hibernate.collection.PersistentSet

It doesn’t happen consistantly on any one template/content type combination.

I can create a type-specific page or snippet template using the wizard (I specify the relevant content type during the process) and it all seems to go ok. The new template opens up in the “Source” view ready for editing. It appears under the “allowed templates” node for the content type. All fine.

Occasionally though, once I’ve made any changes and try to save the template, I get an error about the object needing to be locked, it disappears from the “allowed templates” node. When I try to drag & drop the template back into the “allowed templates” node, the “convert templates” dialog box appears and then I get the above error.

I can open the template up again and anything I might have added seems to have been saved ok.

The first time it happened we tried closing down workbench & stopping & re-starting the service but it made no difference.

The error does seem to clear after a while though I have no idea why.

Any help on this would be very gratefully received as it’s very annoying :slight_smile:


We’ve found that clearing the records from the PSX_LOCKS table in the RXMASTER database seems to fix the problem.

It seems, though I wouldn’t swear to this, that object locks are not always being cleared once an object is closed. My colleague and I are both working on the same project and frequently experience “lock” problems even though the other person doesn’t have the object in question open.