Error trying to delete folder "child id, 29525, does not exist in item cache"

Good day,

We are using Rhythmyx 5.7 running on Solaris/Oracle 10g.

This is in regards our public web site that is using Site Folder publishing.

When trying to delete the folder (“Delaware Pharmacies” - folder content ID 29524) using the “Remove from Folder” command we receive the following error:

Error executing action <Delete> : An unexpected error occurred while processing the CMS request. The error was: While attempting to find and invoke a handler for the ‘removeFolderChildren’ action on port ‘Folder’, the following exception occurred [ivt: java.lang.IllegalStateException]: child id, 29525, does not exist in item cache, but it is a dependent of relationship id, 349997

Note that the ‘child id, 29525’ is most likely referring to the Navon that this folder (“Delaware Pharmacies” - folder content ID 29524) generated. The Navon has already been purged and a search for content ID 29525 does not return any results.

The result of this error is preventing our public web site from publishing, so this is a very high priority for the business.

The publish fails and does not publish any content at all, and the publishing status returns the following error:
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” ?>

  • <publicationstatus pubstatusid=“26356”>
    <message>child id, 29525, does not exist in item cache, but it is a dependent of relationship id, 349997</message>

Thank you for your help to identify a fix for this issue.

Best regards,

Joseph Zaouk
Supervisor, IT ESupport
Zenith Insurance Company

Please submit this issue to Technical Support if you are looking for immediate assistance.

This forum gives Rhythmyx developers the opportunity to discuss issues amongst themselves in a the Rhythmyx developer community. This forum is not a feed into Percussion Technical Support.

Please let me know if you have any questions.