Error when viewing MS Excel doc from CMS:$sys.mimetype was not bound


We copied the rffFile to erauFile. When trying to preview the uploaded excel file using the B - File template the following error is thrown:

Parameters passed
Name Value
sys_revision 1
sys_itemfilter preview
sys_template 597
sys_contentid 1700
sys_context 0

Error reported
Unexpected exception while assembling one or more items: Problem when evaluating expression “sys.item.getProperty(“rx:item_file_attachment_type”);” for variable “$sys.mimetype”: Could not find method getProperty for object [null] and arguments [rx:item_file_attachment_type]

Here are our bindings:

When viewing this in the content explorer the item_file_attachment_type(File Type) has the value application/

Any suggestions?


I deleted the binding variables and re-added them. This fixed the problem so there must have been some whitespace in my binding variable entries.