eWebEditPro - document anchor links about:blank

We are running version 5.6 of Rhythmyx.

When you enter a link in eWebEditPro

<a id="top"></a>
<a href="#top">Back to top</a>

When you switch views from code view to WYSIWYG or save the content item the link is amended to include about:blank

<a id="top"></a>
<a href="about:blank#top">Back to top</a>

Any ideas??

As far as I know, anchor links have never worked in eWebEditPro without considerable customisation…

Ephox handles anchor links better, so maybe time for an upgrade?

Hi Jason

It just so happens I’m on site at a clients who use 5.6. I’ve tested on their system and I can create bookmarks. Here’s my code after I’ve saved:

<div class="rxbodyfield">
<p> </p>

<a id="top"></a> 

<p>a fasdf asdf asd asd f</p>

<p><a id="james" name="james"></a>af sdf asdf asdf</p>

<p>asdf asdf asd fasd as</p>

<p>asdf <a href="#james">asdf</a> asdf</p>

<a href="#top">Back to top</a></div>
