eWebEditPro to ePhox


I’ve just completed an upgrade from 5.6 to 6.5.2 and the system is now stable. One of the things I’m testing is the current content using the EditLive control.

In 5.6 users were able to insert images variants onto the page and when I edit the content I can see them in EditLive. When I click on the remove template button however they do not appear in the list. I’ve inserted the same template to see the differences and noticed it’s just the wrapper tags around the template eg

<div class="rx_ephox_inlinevariant" contenteditable="false" style=" display: inline;">


If I manually put these around the original variant then the “remove template” feature now sees the variant. Is there a way I can automatically add the wrapper tags in?

Also the wrapper tags seem to generate a dotted line spanning the whole width of the editor and even though the image has a float right on it, it appears on the left hand side. When previewing the content however it looks fine and I can see this being a problem for editors as they will have to keep previewing content in order to get the positioning right.


I suppose you could write a JavaScript routine to enclose the current selection in a <div> tag, and then attach this to a button in Ephox. This won’t be a trivial exercise, so I guess it depends on how much content you have to convert.

These tags have been part of the system for a very long time, so this must have been a rather system you are upgrading.

As for the preview question, the view in Ephox will NEVER match preview exactly, as there’s no “template” applied in Ephox.

If your users are looking to adjust “alignment” in a content editor, you haven’t done a good job of separating content from format.


Hi Dave

As for the preview question, the view in Ephox will NEVER match preview exactly, as there’s no “template” applied in Ephox.

If your users are looking to adjust “alignment” in a content editor, you haven’t done a good job of separating content from format.

I understand this but if we have a template that has a style of float:left shouldn’t the user expect this to appear on the left with the text wrapping around it rather than appear on it’s own line.


Hi Dave

Another issue that we’re having with this migration is that inline templates that have been added to the the ewebeditpro control cannot be removed after upgrading it to ephox. They do not appear in the “remove inline template” box and when you select them and press delete they are also not removed.

Is there a way to do this apart from in the code view?


Hi James,
We have the same issue. Response I got from Support on this was “this particular issue is a legacy bug(rx-6753) that will not be fixed because impact is minimal, all of your items still assemble and publish correctly, and there is a workaround. The workaround is to delete the inline variant in the code view of the Ephox control.”

We had to discuss it with our end-user to see whether they can ‘live’ with this going forward …


Thanks for that Igor

I cannot believe percussion said the impact was minimal seeing as our client will either have to go through ALL content and remove the inline variant by hand then re-insert the new template OR give authors access to the code view and have to show them how to delete it.

What will Pecussion say next, give all authors Admin rights!!!


In a patch in Rhythmyx 6.5.2 a fix was put in that will convert legacy eWebEdit pro style inline variants to the new EditLive format when an editor is opened.

The bug ref # is RX-13374.

Please contact support for more information on this.