Example Site for Implementation Guidance

It would be nice if CM1 shipped with a ‘example’ or ‘demo’ site. With this, users could look at specific examples and copy certain elements to make sure best practices are being used. It would also be useful if there were a sample site containing examples of the more complex implementation pieces/widget uses.

Alyce so your thinking similar to the Fast Forward explains in cm system? I think that is a great idea.

Exactly. A demo site with examples of each widget and maybe some more ‘tricky’ functionality, like a slideshow, would really be helpful for me to learn the system. This would also be helpful for my colleagues who need to learn design/implementation aspects. The demo site could also be used to help train other users.

2nd thought on this: Having access to webinars that train end-users using the generic site could be good to use as a ‘refresher’ type course.