Exception during transition of state

I have a requirement to change the state of any newly created content item of a particular content type from Draft to Public immediately on creation of its content item.

I wrote a post processor extension that invokes transitionItems method on the item passing in the transition id for the transition from Draft to Public

Everything works fine, and I do see the state of the content item on content explorer to be Public. BTW, on server console I see the following error/ warn message.

Is this something, I should be concerned of, or I can ignore it, since the item does gets transition to public state:

17:02:17,250 INFO [STDOUT] com.percussion.webservices.PSErrorsException
17:02:17,250 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.webservices.system.impl.PSSys
emWs.transitionItems(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,250 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.webservices.system.impl.PSSys
emWs.transitionItems(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,250 INFO [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor154.invok
(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,250 INFO [STDOUT] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.inv
ke(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,250 INFO [STDOUT] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Sour
17:02:17,250 INFO [STDOUT] at org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.inv
17:02:17,250 INFO [STDOUT] at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamic
17:02:17,250 INFO [STDOUT] at $Proxy97.transitionItems(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,250 INFO [STDOUT] at com.gsa.usagov.url.ChangeStateToPublicPostPr
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.data.PSExtensionRunner.proces
ResultDoc(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.data.wb.runPostProcessingExte
sions(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.data.wb.runPostProcessingExte
sions(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.cms.handlers.PSModifyCommandH
ndler.processRequest(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.cms.handlers.PSContentEditorH
ndler.processRequest(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.server.PSApplicationHandler.p
ocessRequest(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.servlets.PSAppServlet.service
Unknown Source)
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpS
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterCh
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterCh
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.webdav.PSWebDavRequestFilter.
oFilter(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,266 INFO [STDOUT] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterCh
17:02:17,281 INFO [STDOUT] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterCh
17:02:17,281 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.servlets.PSSecurityFilter.doF
lter(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,281 INFO [STDOUT] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterCh
17:02:17,281 INFO [STDOUT] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterCh
17:02:17,281 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.servlets.PSCharacterSetFilter
doFilter(Unknown Source)
17:02:17,281 INFO [STDOUT] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterCh
17:02:17,281 INFO [STDOUT] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterCh
17:02:17,281 INFO [STDOUT] at org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilt
17:02:17,281 INFO [STDOUT] at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterCh


I would be concerned until I understood where it came from. Are you saying this message appears on the console, but the called method returns a list with the proper state name as the result? Was there any other text above this exception that specified the error msg?

This is something that will require further investigation: I do not recommend that you simply ignore the message.

At what point in the process is your post exit called? Does it have some filtering in it to make sure that it executes only at certain points in the process?

The only filter that I have added is to check if the dbaction is Insert or update, then execute it. Since it is post ext we cannot control when it gets invoked, and it is getting invoked after I press the update button.