Exception loading children

Hi, since we deleted one content item in content explorer we keep getting this error:

Exception loading children: 20007: While attempting to find and invoke a handler for the ‘search’ action on port ‘Search’, the following exception occurred [ivt: java.lang.IllegalStateException]: child id, 712, does not exist in item cache, but it is a dependent of relationship id, 1743

It happens every time we open or refresh Content Explorer now.
Does anyone knows how to fix this? Do I have to delete this relationship in the database?


Yes, you must delete that relationship from the db.



@RID is relationship id from the message. Unfortunately, you’ll have to restart Rx service after that.

Second thought:
In our system, this is always happening with folder-item relationships. It is not clear what exactly breaks in your system. Since PSX_OBJECTRELATIONSHIP table also holds information about other relationships, do a select query first to make sure child id from the error message appears as dependent id.
So, this goes first

I have a similar message display when I do a normal content search from the content explorer, does anyone have an idea what to check? This message just started appearing today.

Exception loading children: 20007: The search engine ‘Convera’ failed to connect to the server. The specific problem is: server failed.

When attempting to search for a content item through an inline search (searching for a page to add to a navon) I receive this message:

An error occurred generating HTML from XML using the “” style sheet for the request submitted by session id 533db89048783db5b769619bba06adc53e7c9a11.
An error occurred while using search web service. Message: java.io.IOException

All applications are running in the server administrator.

This problem was fixed by shutting down the server and killing a duplicate Rhythmyx instance that was running.