Expand the box of sys_EditBox control

Is there a way to expand the box of a sys_EditBox control? Our content editor find it too small to edit long sentence sometime.



You can add width and height as parameters to your field’s sys_EditLive control by following these steps:
[li]Open Workbench[/li][li]Open the Content Design tab[/li][li]Open the Content Type with the sys_EditLive control you’re wanting to change[/li][li]Click on the field set to sys_EditLive[/li][li]Click All Properties[/li][li]Click the next to “Control: sys_EditLive”[/li][li]Double click in an empty field to add a parameter[/li][li]Add width as one row with the desired value[/li][li]Add height as one row with the desired value[/li][li]Click Ok[/li][li]Click Ok[/li][li]Save your Content Type[/li][/ol]

Let me know if you need additional instructions.

Hi Riley,

Thanks for the reply. But the control I am trying expand is not sys_EditLive but sys_EditBox, so the parameter drop down does not contains ‘width’ and ‘height’. I found ‘dlg_width’ and ‘dlg_height’ as parameter, I set them but nothing changed in the content explorer. What else I need to do to expand it?


Sorry about misreading which control you were referencing. Let me see what I can find to change the width of your sys_EditBox. Is there a reason not to use sys_TextArea?


You should be able to add the parameter “style” with the value “width: 95%;” since this will use CSS to expand the width accordingly.

Hi Riley,

I have try “style” with “width: 95%;” or “width: 500px;” but neither can I see any change from content explorer. Is there a css flie that I can go and change directly? Or is it possible because of the cache so I can’t see my change?


You may check the source code for the editor page. It should include your inline style code. You can update one of the loaded stylesheets; however, it may be more problematic through this route. The following are paths to some CSS files.
