Export and Import Content Between Rhythmyx instances

We are considering doing a partial overlap during a Rhythmyx upgrade (6.7 -> 7.1) so that there might be a period in which both systems are in use.

Has anyone:
[li]successfully exported new / changed content from one instance of Rhythmyx and imported to another?
[/li][li]How did you do it?
[/li][li]What experiences did you have?

I know there used to be a bulk XML importer, but I’m not aware of whether this is still part of the product / PSO tools and whether it’s suitable for this kind of task.

thanks for any help,


It may be simpler to just clone an given instance of Rhythmyx. You could clone the DEV server then we could issue you a trial key for 30 days or however long you need for testing. Then you can simply rebrand the cloned 6.7 instance and patch it then run your upgrade to 7.1. I have a couple documents that would be helpful in this regard. If you would like to open a support ticket I be more than happy to discuss this further and supply any documents that can help in this process.

I agree with Nick’s response. You asked about the Bulk XML importer, and I’ll add to this thread by pointing you to the public repository located at https://github.com/percussion/PSOBatchImporter.

From my experience upgrading Rhythmyx I tend to lean towards cloning production to development/test (we have a license for a development instance) then proceeding with the upgrade on the development instance. If we encountered bugs we would report those to Percussion Technical Support then proceed with testing the upgrade again on development until we were satisfied that all issues were resolved. At this stage we would schedule an outage for production then backup production (filesystem and repository database) then upgrade production following the same steps committed on development finally restart production.

There are additional steps such as testing content types, templates, slots, etc… on development before upgrading our production instance.

Apologies if it looks like I’m hijacking this thread, but my question is related. You mention cloning a Percussion instance. We’re building out a disaster recovery (DR) site in a virtualized environment. We have four Percussion servers in production - a master and three pubhubs. For each server in production, we’ve created a corresponding clone in DR. Do you happen to know of any document that might identify all configuration elements within the Rhythmyx tree that must be changed? I’m aware of the obvious “rx-ds.xml” since the dbms in DR is a different Oracle instance.


I do have a document that outlines this process. The document outlines some steps that may or may not be necessary it all depends if you need to change the port numbers Rhythmyx runs on or not. This document outlines the handle full of files where pathing needs to be changed. If you open a support ticket I can get you this document. This document is not on our help site currently. We usually give this document out upon request however.