Export Site from one CM installation to another

I’ve been looking around on the boards but can’t seem to find any conclusive way to handle this kind of movement.

Is there a way to export a Site from one installation and then import it into another? Are there ways of migrating portions of sites or selected content in particular?

Percussion’s Professional Services Organization (PSO) did a content migration from our previous content management system. I imagine this solution could be configured to transport content from one installation to another; however, we haven’t attempted such a task with our installation.

Are you wanting to retain the content IDs from one CM installation to another? Do you have the same set of content types, templates, fields, etc. on the destination CM installation? Have you considered cloning the CM installation (Note: this option would be ruled out if your destination CM installation had other Sites that you would want to keep intact)?

Are you wanting to retain the content IDs from one CM installation to another?
Yes, if possible.

Do you have the same set of content types, templates, fields, etc. on the destination CM installation?

Have you considered cloning the CM installation (Note: this option would be ruled out if your destination CM installation had other Sites that you would want to keep intact)?
Yes, we have considered this but cloning the entire installation would be much higher risk than we would prefer to take in order to perform content migrations.

Basically, we are looking to utilize a Developer tier environment for developing content sections prior to deployment to production. After the content is approved on Development, we would like to be able to perform migrations of the approved content to Production.


Thank you for elaborating on the expectation.

Where does the workflow system fail to fulfill your expectation of approving developed content sections? (If you were needing to migrate templates, slots, or other system/assembly design objects this would immediately rule out the workflow system)

At this time I don’t know of a tool that could fulfill this exact expectation; however, I have heard stories of content migration using MSM, but I haven’t attempted this task.