Extension that is triggered when item is purged

Is there a class / method / extension via the JAVA API that is / can be triggered when an item is purged?

In my specific case, i would like to delete the file that is saved elsewhere (not in the database) once a user has purged the content item.



You can change the “Purge” action (in the workbench) to point to your own JSP page, do your processing and then call the standard Purge URL. This is /Rhythmyx/sys_cxSupport/deletecontent.html

Another possibility is to go into the sys_cxSupport application and place a pre-exit on the deletecontent or purgecontent resources (deletecontent calls purgecontent).

Of course, none of these will survive a system upgrade, so you have to careful and document the modification, as you’ll need to re-apply it after upgrade.


We will probably copy the purge menu action and create a new one so that it will not be over-written on upgrade (we will probably go directly to purgecontent.html without a second confirmation box as would happen if we forwarded to deletecontent.html). Of course there will be checks to make sure that one has the rights to remove the content item in question as purging is pretty final…

Thanks for the suggestion…