Field visibility problem


I have been implementing field visibility rules based on the sys_folderid. This seems to work as intended when you open the content editor to create a new item. However, when I tested creating an item the fields that have the rules defined then disappear from view. The sys_folderid has not changed so I don’t understand why this would be. We are currently on version 6.7. Has anyone else experienced this or am I missing something?

Thanks and best wishes


When you look at the url to edit the item, do you have the sys_folderid as one of the parameters? Not sure if they are there when you edit an item…

Thanks very much for responding.

No, the sys_folderid parameter is not in the URL when you edit the content item. I therefore added sys_folderid as a parameter in the Edit menu entry but it still does not appear in the URL. I will continue looking at this, but if anyone can provide advice it would be much appreciated.



On CM System 7.1.0 Build 3229 I am observing the same behavior. I modified both Edit / Quick Edit menu entries to pass the sys_folderid parameter to the editor as shown in the attached images. Upon testing these menu entries I am seeing that the request is being submitted with sys_folderid populated; however, sys_action redirects to the Content Type application without sys_folderid in the URL.

Looking at ./rxconfig/Server/requestHandlers/storedActions.xml describes both menu entry actions (checkoutedit.xml and transitcheckoutedit.xml) including the parameters that are passed to the Content Type application.

Upon adding sys_folderid to each of those actions in storedActions.xml I was able to see sys_folderid being transferred during the redirect. See this code share for my storedActions.xml file. You should look under the checkoutedit and transitcheckoutedit ActionSets for sys_folderid.

Please note that this code is unsupported, and upon testing I have seen that after updating the same content item multiple times it does produce an error message saying we’re trying to edit an older revision. I think we have enough information that an incident could be submitted to Technical Support requesting that this problem be addressed officially.

Hi Riley

Thanks very much for you assistance.

I briefly tested this implementation and found that I didn’t get any errors after over a dozen updates to the item. However, I did find that when the content item was updated the fields would again disappear. I had to close and reopen the content editor for the fields to re-appear. I will log this as a bug with Tech Support as suggested.

Thanks again


However, I did find that when the content item was updated the fields would again disappear.

After updating observe how the URL lost its sys_folderid parameter.