Find the Site Id of Item in Raw (auto) Slot

Is there a way to find the site id of an item similar to $, but of the current item I am looking at in a raw slot?


$sys.assemblyItem.siteId. This also works with relresult, as this object is of type IPSAssemblyResult.

So should $relresult.assemblyItem.siteId return back the result? I can’t seem to get anything to return from $relresult.assemblyItem when inside the slot.


$relresult is an IPSAssemblyResult object. IPSAssemblyResult does not contain IPSAssemblyItem, it “extends” it. Therefore, $relresult.assemblyItem isn’t a valid expression. Instead, you should be able to reference the properties of the assembly item directly from $relresult.

For example, the site id is $relresult.siteId (or $relresult.getSiteId(), they are equivalent).

You should note that this siteid is the “GUID” of the site, not the common id (e.g. 305).