Finding Content Type Id from COntent Explorer

Is there any easy to find the content type id from the Rhythmyx Content Explorer? I need to know the ID for each content type in my extensions.


I would suggest adding this as a column to the default display format (under UI Elements > Content Explorer > Display Formats.

I did add the field sys_contenttypeid as a new DisplayFormat…However, when I go and look for the properties by doing right click on a content item I dont see the type id value.

Is there anything I am missing?

If you created a new display format then when you Right click on the Folder, you should see the option Change Display Format, this is where you’ll see your new display format. If you added this to an existing format then just select that one.

Now I did try this on my development server but it only shows the name of my content type, not the ID. I tried looking to see if there was another one that would show the IDs but no luck. There must be a way to edit that column so that it shows the ID and not just the name.

Thanks Shaner…
What I end up diong was, run a simple query on the DB for table contenttypes and got content types id for all the content types.
