Finding Display title of parent item

I have a structure where there several parent items…These parent items have in turn child items in their navon submenu slot. Similarly the child items have a nested folder structure, and thus have their own child items in their submenu navon slot.

I have a requirement that whenever I render a page, I need to get the display title of the top most level page (ancestor parent) irrespective where and how deep the navon folder structure is.

Is there a simple velcoity function to get this parent item title…

You are wanting the display title of the navtree (Top most navigation content type)? Or do you want to start from current page and traverse the ancestors starting with the closest relationship to find the display title? Is the display title attached to the navon/navtree or will it be retrieved from a content item in the landing page slot?

Check out $nav.root… although I don’t have a good experience with it, I think it is supposed to work (aka from the Implementation Guide:

It wont be from the navtree or navons…Rather it will be from an another page content item. Yes I need to start from current page and traverse the ancestors starting with the closest relationship to find the display title.

Also as far as $nav.root is concerned, I dont think we have access to $nav if it is a page template. I thought it is only accessible thru navon templates…

You could try to initialize the nav slot on that page using the #initslot() macro and then iterate through the submenu items…