Firefox 3.5 support in 6.5 or future versions?

Hi there,

I just downloaded the latest Firefox version, 3.5, on Windows. I turned off popup blocking, but I still get an error from the Content Explorer (a Rhythmyx-generated error, not a browser error) saying that popups are blocked.

We are still using Rhythmyx version 6.5.

Which versions of Rhythmyx, current or future, will support 3.5?

I’m just wondering what to tell our users if they start downloading and trying to use 3.5.


Try clearing your browser cache and java cache, close the browser and relog into the Cx.

Rx 6.5x does not officially support FireFox 3.5, since that version of FF was not available prior to the release of Rx 6.5x. Generally, we cannot officially support any browser version that was not available before the release of the Rx version you’re using. Since FF 3.5 was only released this week, it really wasn’t possible for us to do the necessary testing to officially support it. Going forward, the next release of Rx will most likely support whatever the most recent stable versions of the major browsers (IE,FF,Safari) are at that time.

That being said, if you continue to run into issues using FF 3.5 and Rx after trying my suggestions above, submit a ticket with TS so we can create a ticket and track the behavior.:smiley:


We’ve already started some testing activities for Firefox 3.5.

While I cannot give you an “official” answer, I’m pretty sure that we will wind up supporting it in a future release, but it’s not clear exactly when and how just yet.


OK. Thanks.

I tried clearing my history and java cache, but still no dice. So I’ll treat it as unsupported for 6.5.

It’s definitely unsupported for 6.5.

I would assume this same idea holds true for IE8 then? Does 6.6 or 6.7 support IE8, or would that be a future release?

Yes, IE 8 is similar. One key difference is that IE 8 has a “compatibility mode”, and our testing indicates that this works correctly. Of course, this is not the long term answer.
