Firefox 4 Issues

Percussion Technical Support has received word of customers having problems using the CM System product in today’s release of Mozilla Firefox 4.

We invite all users to post problems found while using CM System in Firefox 4 in this thread.
We ask that <b>problems experienced only in Firefox 4</b> be posted here.

We do invite you to post a workaround or fix to the problem. However, we must state that <b>resolutions provided here are not supported until officially released by Percussion.</b>

Please note the following in your posts:

  • The exact version of Firefox 4. (As of this post, only 4.0 has been released; we do not support any Alpha/Beta/Release Candidate versions.)
  • The client Operating System
  • Whether this issue is reproducible on the same OS in Firefox 3.6.
  • CM System Version, Patch level, Operating System, and Database type.
  • If applicable, a Java Console log, Firefox Error Console screenshot, and any other pertinent information.
  • If you have a workaround or a fix, or even a general idea as to where the problem could be, please post that as well.

Percussion Technical Support is watching this thread for replies from our community. Even so, we invite you to file an incident using one of the following methods:

We appreciate your patience, and will follow up with new information as we have it.

Darrell at Virginia Tech filed his problem in the forum earlier today, and followed up with an incident to Technical Support. Darrell was not only concise with his reporting, but he even provided a fix! While this fix has yet to be approved internally, preliminary testing by Technical Support shows good results on a fresh install of CM System 6.7. Below is his post, with some formatting changes for readability. Many thanks to Darrell and his proactive approach!

[QUOTE=vtdarrell;18209]In FF 4, after logging into the content explorer, the applet doesn’t load the majority of times. There is a javascript error that says:

“Error: pssessionid is not defined
Source File: https://RHYTHMYXSERVER:PORT/Rhythmyx/sys_resources/js/browser.js
Line: 430”

ln 430, change

if(pssessionid == undefined || pssessionid.length == 0)


if(typeof(pssessionid) == 'undefined' || pssessionid.length == 0)

That resolves the issue. However, note that sys_resources is commonly affected by patches and upgrades. I will file this issue with Percussion TS and report back the bug number if one is assigned.[/QUOTE]

We are in the process of filing a bug, and will update this post with the bug number. Again, Thanks to Darrell for his work!

Just an fyi, but a try/catch would be a much better way to handle the problem with the undefined variable. It appears that using the typeof function isn’t as consistent as previously thought. So something like:

if(pssessionid == undefined || pssessionid.length == 0) 
      return list; 
}catch (undefexcept){ 
  return list; 