Folder auto index


We are using Rhythmyx 6.52

We are aware that there is an autoindex and/or component that retrieve items within a subfolder as opposed to retrieving from a broader base. We think this is implemented in the Class PSOFolderAutoIndex which is found in the PSCToolKit55.

We have tried to install this by running the psctoolkit5.jar but get the following error:

D:\Rhythmyx\Administration>java -cp rxclient.jar;saxon.jar;rxserver.jar;xmlParse

rAPIs.jar;xercesImpl.jar com.percussion.util.PSExtensionInstallTool . .

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/percussion/extens


We have to stop the server when doing this.

As a footnote I believe there is something called Class PSFolderFollowerEffect that may or may not have significance.

Any suggestions?


First off, that version of the toolkit is for Rhythmyx 5.5 thru 5.7, it was not intended to work on 6.5.2.

In Rhythmyx 6.x, folder autoindices are handled with JCR queries, you don’t need the PSOToolkit or any other addins. There’s a good example in the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide ( Look at the section on Automated Slots, it shows how to use jcr:path to access items in a folder.

The folder follower effect is part of the Community Marketing solution, it is not related to this functionality.


Hi Dave,

Thanks for your reply.

Do you have any information on how to implement the folder follower effect?

I believe that this was implemented on our development server but we don’t have any documentation for this procedure.




The folder follower effect (and the related “FolderOwnerSubfolderEffect”) is part of the PSOToolkit, so you have to install the toolkit on target machine.

The purpose of these effects is to add “related items” (e.g. comments, polls, etc) to the same folder (or a sub folder) where the “parent item” resides.

In the the case of the folder follower, you simply have to add the effect to the Relationship Type used for your comments slot, there are no parameters.

The subfolder effect needs the name of the subfolder as the first parameter.

Other than that, there’s not much to do. Make sure you restart the machine after you edit the relationship configuration, as the changes will not be recognized until you do.
