Form processing not working

I’m publishing locally and attempting to get a simple form working. When I click submit, it redirects me to a 404 page, and says the requested resource is not available. The url is http://localhost:388/perc-form-proces…

Any help would be much appreciated.

Hey Steve,

This looks like an issue with your delivery servers XML file. What is the domain / IP address and port that you use to access your locally published Percussion site? Whatever it is, set that to be your delivery server’s connection URL, restart Percussion, and republish your page containing the form.

For example, if you access your published Percussion site over http://app-server:9980, open up your delivery-servers.xml file, which is located on your application server at [install_root]\rxconfig\DeliveryServer, and find the first DeliveryServer configuration block, which will look like this:

<connection-url>http://localhost:388</connection-url> <br>
 <user>ps_manager</user> <br>
 <password encrypted="true">-7a817995ebf59950e59a1641964fdd61</password> <br>
 <admin-connection-url>https://localhost:8443</admin-connection-url> <br>
 <allow-self-signed-certificate>true</allow-self-signed-certificate> <br>
 <availableservices> <br>
    <service>perc-form-processor</service> <br>
    <service>feeds</service> <br>
    <service>perc-comments-services</service> <br>
    <service>perc-metadata-services</service> <br>
    <service>perc-membership-services</service> <br>
 </availableservices> <br> </deliveryserver>```   
Change the connection-url property to **[http://app-server:9980](http://app-server:9980)** (again, for example), like so:   
```<deliveryserver> <br>
<connection-url>http://app-server:9980</connection-url> <br>
 <user>ps_manager</user> <br>
 <password encrypted="true">-7a817995ebf59950e59a1641964fdd61</password> <br>
 <admin-connection-url>https://localhost:8443</admin-connection-url> <br>
 <allow-self-signed-certificate>true</allow-self-signed-certificate> <br>
 <availableservices> <br>
    <service>perc-form-processor</service> <br>
    <service>feeds</service> <br>
    <service>perc-comments-services</service> <br>
    <service>perc-metadata-services</service> <br>
    <service>perc-membership-services</service> <br>
 </availableservices> <br> </deliveryserver>```   
Once you’ve done this, restart Percussion and then republish your page containing the form. Let me know if you have any further trouble with this.

Thanks Nathaniel. I have setup a Tomcat backend (at localhost:9980) and an IIS front-end for .NET purposes (at localhost:388). The form tracking is working at 9980 but not at 388 even after I switched the connection-url to localhost:388 and restarted the server. Any ideas?

Never mind, I made some slight changes to my proxy settings and it is working now. Thanks again!

Hi Steve,

Oh okay, I didn’t realize you were using IIS as a front-end webserver. I was wonder where port 388 was coming from. In that case, if you’re accessing your locally published content over the IIS port of 388 and have localhost:388 setup as your connection URL, you’ll need to setup IIS rewrite rules to proxy certain DTS components from IIS over to the Tomcat port of 9980.

Section #3 of this doc outlines how to do this (the “Form Processing” rule will be the one you need in this case, but I figure you might as well set the rest of them up while you’re at it):

Oops, I didn’t see your reply. You beat me to it!