Form Submissions

I have a form on my homepage ( that was created by a designer. How do I get it to work in CM1?

Hi Julie,

Typically I might recommend that you create a new region in the area of the existing “Stay in Touch” form mock-up, and then drop a Form widget into the region. From there you could configure the Form widget’s fields to match what’s in the mock-up, and additionally use CSS to match the styling being applied to the existing mock-up.

In your case, however, it appears as though your whole body section is contained within a Rich Text widget, which will restrict you from adding any new widgets into your body section. To be honest, your best approach might be to remove this “Stay in Touch” form mock-up from your homepage, and replace it with a link to a new page which contains a Form widget. Otherwise you might have to re-develop this homepage template with your Div regions broken down more extensively, which would allow you to drop additional widgets into this the main body section.