
On Ephox, is there a way to append a fragment identifier to a Rhythmyx inline link?

I have a paragraph on a different page within my site that I’d like to link directly to. However, Ephox only lets me link to an anchor within my page and not to any anchor outside that page, unless I type in the published URL.

I’d rather create this link within CMS/Ephox than to code in a link to my published page (example: www.site.com/page.html#fragment-identifier).

Any ideas?

If you find a solution, I’d be very interested. This has been a high-priority request from our end users for some time.

Try manually appending the FI to the inline link in Ephox’s code tab. You would want to test if the FI is preserved in both preview (upon save) and publish.
(I understand this is less than ideal, because Rx cannot present to you the list of available FIs in your target page…)

The page link still works but the fragment identifier doesn’t work, even though it’s in the code.

. . . a sys_dependentvariantid=“584” href=“http://server/Rhythmyx/assembler/render?sys_revision=1&sys_siteid=315&sys_authtype=0&sys_context=0&sys_contentid=1163&sys_variantid=584#raresponsibilities” rxinlineslot=“103” sys_dependentid=“1163” title="" sys_variantid=“584” sys_relationshipid=“4384” sys_contentid=“1163” sys_siteid=“315” inlinetype=“rxhyperlink” sys_folderid="" . . .

When you update the page (save) the code gets turned into this:

. . . &sys_variantid=584#raresponsibilities" rxinlineslot=“103” sys_dependentid=“1163” title="" sys_variantid=“584#raresponsibilities” sys_relationshipid=“4384” . . .

The fragment is #raresponsibilities

and the variable that gets messed up is sys_variantid=“584#raresponsibilities”

On the 2nd try:

. . . sys_dependentvariantid=“584” href=“http://server:9992/Rhythmyx/assembler/render?sys_revision=1&sys_siteid=315&sys_authtype=0&sys_context=0#raresponsibilities&sys_contentid=1163&sys_variantid=584” rxinlineslot=“103” sys_dependentid=“1163” title="" sys_variantid=“584” sys_relationshipid=“4384” sys_contentid=“1163” sys_siteid=“315” inlinetype=“rxhyperlink” sys_folderid="" . . .

and it turns to this:

. . . a sys_dependentvariantid=“584” href=“http://server/Rhythmyx/assembler/render?sys_revision=1&sys_siteid=315&sys_authtype=0&sys_context=0#raresponsibilities&sys_contentid=1163&sys_variantid=584#raresponsibilities” rxinlineslot=“103” sys_dependentid=“1163” title="" sys_variantid=“584” sys_relationshipid=“4384” sys_contentid=“1163” sys_siteid=“315” inlinetype=“rxhyperlink” sys_folderid="" . . .

I just tested this again. It works.

<a sys_dependentvariantid="319" rxinlineslot="103" href="http://host/Rhythmyx/assembler/render?sys_revision=1&sys_authtype=0&sys_context=0&sys_contentid=66913&sys_variantid=319#paris" sys_dependentid="66913" sys_relationshipid="430601" title="" inlinetype="rxhyperlink" sys_siteid="" sys_folderid="">test</a>

Interestingly, my inline link code does not have sys_variantid="" (yours do), but only sys_dependentvariantid="".

The sys_variantid="" gets added to our code on update. Where does it come from? We can’t duplicate your test.

In Rx 6.5.2 there was a bug that was stripping out anchors in a link, either inline link or web link. This issue has been addressed in the latest patch (RX-13485). Once applied you should be able to manually add anchors to the end of your href attributes in the Code view of Ephox without them being stripped out on publish or preview.

Web Link:

<a href="http://www.macintouch.com/mosxreader10.2pt35.html#nov15">Test Link</a>

Inline Link:

<a sys_dependentvariantid="533" href="http://localhost:10040/Rhythmyx/assembler/render?sys_revision=1&sys_siteid=301&sys_authtype=0&sys_context=0&sys_contentid=703&sys_variantid=533#test" rxinlineslot="103" sys_dependentid="703" sys_contentid="703" sys_variantid="533" sys_relationshipid="1730" title="" inlinetype="rxhyperlink" sys_siteid="301" sys_folderid="">Test Link</a>

I noticed that when you update the content item, your anchor will also be added to the sys_variantid attribute as well. You shouldn’t have to do that on your own.

Code View? Can’t fragments/anchors be managed without using Code View?

My solution for our news page was to create each news item as a Brief, and then assemble them into a page using a snippet template that added anchors. Then on the home page, I added links to recent news stories using a similar template that added anchors to the links, all based on the sys_title. But that solution uses inline slots. It would be great if content creators had the option of using anchors in Ephox without messing with HTML.