FTP publishing zero length files

I have 6.5.2 on Linux, with ftp publishing set to publish to another Linux box. Using the ftp username and password supplied I can manually ftp files into the remote filesystem no problem using active or passive mode.

Rhythmyx will also ftp files into the system, creating the correct folders, but any files published are zero length. Previewing a URL generated in the content lists appears fine, so the file isn’t going out zero length.

The publish log says this:

Entering PSFtpPublisherHandler.publish()
About to publish content ID:771 to 1 locations.
About to ftp publish content item to remoteFilepath: main/public/About Us/thm_yanairuttoninkisualjpg.jpg
Ftp session disconnected, attempting to republish.

and essentially loops around being disconnected, finally giving a long error message starting:

Exception in publish(): com.percussion.publisher.client.PSFtpException stack: com.percussion.publisher.client.PSFtpException: Could not transfer file ‘main/public/About Us/thm_yanairuttoninkisualjpg.jpg’ to server FTP server message: 425 Unable to build data connection: No route to host at com.percussion.publisher.client.PSFtpClient.throwException(Unknown Source) at com.percussion.publisher.client.PSFtpClient.putFile(Unknown Source) at com.percussion.publisher.client.PSFtpPublisherHandler.publish(Unknown Source) at…

We’re going to check the firewall on the rhythmyx server in case there’s an issue there but if anyone knows why this might be help appreciated!!



It was indeed the firewall on the Rhythmyx server, don’t worry!!