FTSIndexQueue Unexpected Exception

Does this error look familiar to anyone?

2008-03-15 02:12:33,969 ERROR [FTSIndexQueue] An unexpected exception occurred.
The reason was: failed to locate system field info for item with id: 1321. Pleas
e consult the log for further information.
2008-03-15 02:13:17,005 INFO [PSServerLogHandler] appid: 0 type: 1 time: Sat Ma
r 15 02:13:17 EDT 2008 msg: An internal error (end-condition) was encountered. A
n unexpected exception occurred:
An unexpected exception occurred. The reason was: failed to locate system field
info for item with id: 1321. Please consult the log for further information…
The call-stack was:
java.lang.RuntimeException: failed to locate system field info for item with id:
at com.percussion.search.i.super(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.search.i.super(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.search.i.super(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.search.i$1.run(Unknown Source)

We get it for several different content items. The error appears to be triggered by the search index queue and not by user action. I have already tried reindexing the search, but the error is recurrent.

We just upgraded to Rhythmyx 6.5.2 and started seeing this problem.


This error is happening when the server tries to index a content item that has been modified in some way. This happens in the background after the user action completes. Also, any such events that are unprocessed at the time the server shuts down (either due to an error during the indexing or due to a long queue) are processed just after the server restarts.

99% of the time the particular error you are seeing is caused by the internal “rxserver” user not having at least “Reader” access to the content items specifieid in the error message. Check the workflow state of each item having this problem (the item id is in the error message) and ensure the role configuration is correct - it is a requirement that the “rxserver” user be in some workflow role that has either “Reader” or “Assignee” access in every state of every workflow.

Just as a follow-up to this, we have experienced this error on a clean 6.5.2 implementation.

When we try to add the ‘rxserver’ to the relevant roles in the Server Administrator the ‘user’ is not found by the ‘catalog’. On review it appears the ‘rxserver’ exists in the PSX_SUBJECTS table, but not the USERLOGIN table - explaining why it would not appear on the catalog.


Is it correct that the rxserver user is not in the USERLOGIN table?

If so…

Is the required action to add rxserver to the USERLOGIN table manually, so that it will then be catalogged in the Server Administrator, and therefore available to add to the roles?

Does this present a security issue? What should the password be?

Should we remove then ‘rxserver’ user from the USERLOGIN table once we have assigned it to the relevant roles?

So many questions, so little time…


Yes, rxserver is purely internal, you cannot (and should not) “log in” with this
user Id.

You should be able to add the user to the role without actually cataloging it, but I’ve not tried this recently.

To follow-up on this, the only mechanism I have found for adding the rxserver to the necessary roles is to create an entry for it in the USERLOGIN table, re-catalog in the Server Admin, and then add to the required roles.

I then removed the user from the USERLOGIN table.

That’s not necessary. Just use the ‘New’ button when adding users and type in ‘rxserver’.