Full Binary Publish - Files

When I run a newly created full binary publish on one of our sites, the publisher isn’t finding any erauFile content types but publishes images correctly. The logs are not showing any errors and the files do not get created in the directory, here is our current setup:

Content list (erauWWFullBinary) query:

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from rx:erauimage, rx:eraufile where jcr:path like '//Sites/worldwide%'

Context for both filesystem and site folder assembly (erauFile) expression:

$sys.pub_path + $sys.item.getProperty("filename").String + $rx.location.getFirstDefined($sys.item,'rx:sys_suffix', '.html')

In troubleshooting I enabled the rfffile content type in the community, added it to the content list and context variables, created a file, and moved it to public to see if it would publish but it still was not being selected for publishing.

I went back to the publisher and ran the rff Corporate Investments full binary publish and found that the rffFiles can publish correctly. Creating an erauFile content type in the CI community did not publish correctly (also without errors).

The erauFile and rffFile content types are the same in the workbench. Could someone point me in the right direction?


Is there a Location Scheme associated with this Content Type?


Hey Robert,

A location scheme is in place for this content item. The location scheme parameter expression for the location scheme in each context is listed in my previous post “Context for both filesystem and site folder assembly (erauFile) expression:”, sorry I should have used the exact labels from the content explorer.

Hi Stephen

What happens when you run the query in the debugger? Do you get the expected results?


I don’t suppose capitalization matters? “erauFile” vs “eraufile” in content list…


Do you have any criteria in the Item Filter that might be screening out these Content Items?


Do you have any criteria in the Item Filter that might be screening out these Content Items?

I only have the “public” item filter and all of the items are in a public state. (attachment: locationScheme.gif)

I don’t suppose capitalization matters? “erauFile” vs “eraufile” in content list…

I tried changing the query with both “eraufile” and “erauFile” but this did not fix the issue.

What happens when you run the query in the debugger? Do you get the expected results?

The debug looks fine to me in both contexts (attachment: debugErauFile.pdf). Previewing the content list in the publishing edition doesn’t show any pdf files.

Thanks for all the help so far.

I will assume that the template “erauBnFile” is allowed in your site (in templates) and community (in community visibility)?

Another check you can do is to change the url parameter of “sys_itemfilter” to “public” and see what comes up (if anything). Additionally, changing the “sys_context” to “301” would give you want would/should be published…


select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from nt:base where jcr:path like '//Sites/worldwide%'

As the content list and see if one of your files is listed.

I will assume that the template “erauBnFile” is allowed in your site (in templates) and community (in community visibility)?

This template is allowed in the community, **however the site was not included in the template.

Another check you can do is to change the url parameter of “sys_itemfilter” to “public” and see what comes up (if anything). Additionally, changing the “sys_context” to “301” would give you want would/should be published…

Changing the variables as indicated above allowed me to view the content item as expected without problems.

Try: select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from nt:base where jcr:path like ‘//Sites/worldwide%’

Produced a normal list of files and images for the site but without the .pdf files. No errors were observed either.

Now the pdfs publish correctly, Thank you!