FULL Publish is not uploading the webapps folder

Problem: When I do a full publish, I do not see the folders where my CSS is located. I guess it is the webapps folder. I have the latest version of CM1 installed. I can see my assets folder and web page folder but that is it.


Are you looking for your CSS files on your server? If so, you can find your CSS files following this path (replacing the names in brackets with your environment’s correlating names): [cm1root]\Deployment\Server[nameofsite]apps\ROOT\web_resources\themes[nameoftheme].

Alternately, if you’re just looking access a CSS file for editing, you can navigate to it through the Finder in the CM1 UI by clicking on Design, Web Resources, themes, open your template, and then select your CSS file. From there you can click the blue gear icon in the upper right of Finder and hit Download File. This will download the CSS file to your local machine. Once you have the file you can edit it as you wish, and then through the same path in Finder select the gear icon again and then hit the Upload File button. Now all you have to do is select your edited CSS file and upload it (you will be prompted to overwrite your old CSS file – hit OK).

Let me know if I have misunderstood you question.



Upon further investigation, this appears to be linked to a known issue where, in some customer’s instances of CM1, the web_resources folder is not being uploaded to the server on a full publish. We are working to identify the root cause of this issue internally – we hope to release a patch to fix this shortly. I will get back to you as soon as we know more.


Hi Nathaniel,

Can I manually upload the resources folder?

Roger, do you happen to know how much data (size) do you have within your web_resources folder?


Yes, if you have access to your server’s file system, you can manually upload your web_resources folder to your website’s root folder ([nameofsite]apps\ROOT). We are still actively working to get a patch up for this issue, which appears to be specific to IIS servers.


I have moved this issue to our internal support portal while we continue to troubleshoot your problem. Please check your email for a link to the support ticket.

Thank you,

A quick status update on this post: As a workaround, we had Roger manually upload his web_resources folder from {cm1root}\Deployment\Server{website.com}apps\ROOT\ to his website’s root folder on his production server.

We have collected extensive information about this problem and are fully engaged in isolating the cause of the issue and identifying a solution. When we reach that point we will share the resolution with the community.