Generici Page DIV's

Not sure this is the direction I want to go yet. I’m developing a new site and page formats BUT I have a question. I have a new design architecture to implement for a new site (right hand navigation as opposeded to our standard left). That is requiring a separate set of DIV’s to render the page correclty depending on the site. In the Generic page template would it make more sense to use:

#if($ == "")##

With the accompanying DIV tag changed and then duplicate the code below it on the same page with an #else command and the other appropriate DIV classes on which folder path is being used or? The new design is a sub-folder section of another site.



This would work; however, it may not be the best practice but I’m not 100% sure what the best practice would be. You have other options such as creating a checkbox or drop down field attached to navon and navtrees that designate the navigation orientation. I would be eager to hear other practices.

Thanks Riley, I am unsure as well…I REALLY do not want to set up a new generic page type to accomodate the new DIV structure and am not familiar enough with Rx yet to implement the options you have suggested. In any case, I will give your suggestions a try and report back for sure. I am eager to hear other ideas as well.


This would work; however, it may not be the best practice but I’m not 100% sure what the best practice would be. You have other options such as creating a checkbox or drop down field attached to navon and navtrees that designate the navigation orientation. I would be eager to hear other practices.[/QUOTE]

Let me know if you need assistance navigating through Workbench to add these fields. You can find more reference in these manuals:

sys_DropDownSingle and sys_SingleCheckBox -

Search for sys_DropDownSingle -

You could probably find the same material across 6.7 and 7.0.3.

I am generally leery about modifying the navigation content types and would suggest creating a global template and a new navigation template that is called from the global template (as technically you can apply a global template to a folder)…

Good call.

Any particular reason why you are leery with modifying navigation content types aside from possible ObjectStore / DB mishaps?

Because navigation is special… ;). While we can modify other content types and allow certain communities access to other content types, we can’t exactly hide the navigation content types…thus a change to those content types effects everyone…

Thank you both for your input and help. I am familiar with adding the check boxes in WorkBench thanks. What is confusing me is what the check box is connected to? A new (or different) nav tree that I have created which would be used for the new navigational structure?

In any case my first and foremost problem is getting a Generic page content item to display two different DIV structures. The current sites we have use left navigations which in turn uses a particular DIV to accomodate the design. The NEW site (which is actaully just a set of sub-folders in another sites file tree) uses more right side navigation and hence a different set of DIV’s to accomodate and center the content. I have made a global template and the corresponding home page templates no problem BUT when you view the ‘content’ in that site on a generic page all the content is off center due to the incorrect DIV. So adding some logic to the generic template to tell it when to use one set of DIV’s over the other was my first thought based on either folder path or site path? Does that make sense or no?

Thanks again!
I appreciate it,

[QUOTE=Rileyw;19675]Let me know if you need assistance navigating through Workbench to add these fields. You can find more reference in these manuals:

sys_DropDownSingle and sys_SingleCheckBox -

Search for sys_DropDownSingle -

You could probably find the same material across 6.7 and 7.0.3.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=jitendra;19680]Because navigation is special… ;).[/QUOTE] Very true. It is fascinating to see what should have not been configured through our M&D session. Our instance has Navtree and Navon looking very customized compared to a vanilla installation.

Ok here is what I did. I created a new page template for the generic content type and then added a drop down choice to the content type so that the user can chose either a standard template or a new template with the new design structure. I could not get the logic to work based on site path or folder path that I was previously working on. I think it’s possible but I had no luck. Adding the additional template seems to work fine and renders the page based on the users choice of template. The trick now is to add a validation to the template field to allow only certain users, based on community, to see/use that template.

Any help out there on how to limit visibilty/usage of a field using field validation by community?


[QUOTE=Rileyw;19675]Let me know if you need assistance navigating through Workbench to add these fields. You can find more reference in these manuals:

sys_DropDownSingle and sys_SingleCheckBox -

Search for sys_DropDownSingle -

You could probably find the same material across 6.7 and 7.0.3.[/QUOTE]

You can set field visibility by going to Content Design and opening your content type. You can select the field that you want to change its visibility rules, and go to “All Properties.” From this dialog box you can go to “Visibility,” and a dialog box will open where you can manage Visibility Rules.

You can click on the green plus sign button, and change Rule Type to “Conditional.”

Click on the “Variable” field, then the … button. A new dialog box will open where you can change the type to “User Context.” Select “Roles/RoleName” in the choices field. Click Ok.

Back to the Visibility dialog box, you can select your Op (Operator) – select “LIKE”

The “Value” will be set to the RoleName (Role will be assigned to a community) that you want to allow to see this field.

Let me know if that makes sense.

While I don’t condone such a behavior, you maybe able to use $rx.location.path to figure out where the content item resides… that being said, doing a search for that in the forum appears to give you another solution to figure out the folder location:

Worked like a charm.

Thanks Riley!

[QUOTE=Rileyw;19690]You can set field visibility by going to Content Design and opening your content type. You can select the field that you want to change its visibility rules, and go to “All Properties.” From this dialog box you can go to “Visibility,” and a dialog box will open where you can manage Visibility Rules.

You can click on the green plus sign button, and change Rule Type to “Conditional.”

Click on the “Variable” field, then the … button. A new dialog box will open where you can change the type to “User Context.” Select “Roles/RoleName” in the choices field. Click Ok.

Back to the Visibility dialog box, you can select your Op (Operator) – select “LIKE”

The “Value” will be set to the RoleName (Role will be assigned to a community) that you want to allow to see this field.

Let me know if that makes sense.[/QUOTE]