Getting list of items in a slot from an HTTP call?

Running 6.5.2

I have a content type with a slot. When I am editing that content type I can click the “Edit All” button at the bottom and it will bring up a list of items in the slot. I am aware of some undocumented pages that return data in an XML format (http://server:9992/Rhythmyx/sys_psxCms/userinfo.xml for instance) am I am hoping that there is a similar call that I can feed a contentId, revisionId, maybe a templateId or something and get back a list of slot contents.

If all else fails I can make a call to the “View Content” rendering of the content type scrape the HTML for the items in the slot, but that’s messy.

To clarify the end goal. We are playing with TinyMCE as our editor in place of EditLive, and since plugin’s are a breeze to write in TinyMCE I want to create one that will bring up an overlay with a list of the items in the slot (ajax HTTP call to get the list). The editor then can select one which will place a tag in their content window. This tag tells “our” content system to render the specific slot item in that location. In our implementation Rx creates XML files that our system renders.

Thanks for the pointers.

Just looking at the available System XML Applications, this one looks somewhat promising:


replace the XXXX, YYYY and ZZZZ with appropriate numbers and you should get some relevant results. It’ll return a list of the related content item IDs and their template IDs… and you can then, in turn, call the /assembly/render.html page with the appropriate parameters to get the results.

Perfect! Thanks you just made my day :slight_smile: How did you locate the list of XML applications? From workbench -> Xml Server and then just start digging in?

Out of curiosity, How’d the implementation of TinyMCE go?