Getting value from one content type to another

I have a requirement to pull the value of a field called txt1 in Content Type A to the page template of Content type B. We can do it with slots or backend query, but all of those needs the revision of Content type B content item to be incremented or run the full edition to pick up the changes made to content item of Content type A, we want to avoid these approaches. Is there any other way to implement this req?



An auto index slot is out of the question?

Wasn’t sure about Auto index. Just to Clarify, If the content item 111(Autoindex item) is in Draft state, the parent which is calling this item won’t be missing content item 111 when the incremental edition runs?

The parent content item will only show items that are in the public state; therefore, content item 111 will not be in the parent’s auto index listing during the incremental.

I should have been more clear…, sorry about that. Let me rephrase it.

If the content item 111(Autoindex item) is in Draft/Quick Edit state(which was in Public State earlier), the parent which is calling this item won’t be missing content item 111 when the incremental edition runs?

You are correct that content item 111 won’t be missing. The parent content item will continue to reference content item 111’s current public revision.

Given Paddy’s statement:

If the content item 111(Autoindex item) is in Draft (ed: emphasis added)/Quick Edit state(which was in Public State earlier), …

Won’t the inclusion of item 111 in a parent (autoindex) depend on Workflow and which states are set to ignore (i) versus unpublish (n,u)?

I imagine that:
[li]if the item’s Workflow allows the item to be sent from the Public state back to a Draft state,
[/li][li]and a Draft state out-of-the-box has an ‘n’ publishable property value,
[/li][li]but a Quick Edit state out-of-the-box has an ‘i’ publishable property value

then item 111 in the QE state will still appear in a parent item, but item 111 sent back to the Draft state will not appear in any parent any more.

Yes? No? TIA

Good question. I imagine the autoindex includes content items using the defined public_revision ID. You could test to see if the public_revision for the content item is nullified upon transition to the Draft state. public_revision is a column on the CONTENTSTATUS table in the database.

I’m not sure what i’m missing here,but here’s my problem…
The parent item is not getting picked up by the incremental edition,but the page is being updated on the site when the “publish now” is kicked of the parent page. What is missing in my inremental edition here. I thought the parent page should be picked up by the incremental edition if there are autoslots associated to that page template.


Taking a stab at your problem… Can you provide the query string for your incremental content list?

The issue is fixed. The content type name was incorrect in the query string of incremental content list.
