[gist] Unable to edit/update submenu on navon or navtree

We recently upgraded our production environment from 6.7 to 7.1 – our business users started to report that they were unable to edit the submenu navigation slot.

This was a big problem! A problem originating from sys_resources/stylesheets/relatedcontentctrl.xsl on line 66 and 140 where the $moveOnly variable needs to be modified.

Please see the proposed solution if you’re encountering the same problem.


$moveOnly and $editable were introduced in 7.1?
allowNavonSlotEdit is a new property introduced in 7.1?

We plan on upgrading our environment shortly…I’m glad to know that others have taken the plunge :slight_smile:

We tested this new release in test for a couple of months. No major problems aside from this bug that slipped pass our testing.

We are using PSO Smart Preview and it appears to have a bug, so we wouldn’t put 7.1 on our development instance until that gets worked out… Are you using the Smart Preview?

jitendra, what bug are you experiencing with PSO Smart Preview?

Whenever we preview a full page template, we get the following java popup: “Error executing action <[page template name]> : null”. The preview window loads just fine, but getting that popup on every page preview is not acceptable. We are able to preview snippet templates just fine. There is nothing in the server log to indicate that there was an error. That “error” (really, it looks to be like a message) doesn’t appear to show up in the client java applet logs either…

We filed a TS ticket mid April against 7.0.3, but the problem is there in 7.1 as well…

I’m going to do some experimenting with the PSOSmartPreview code based upon the comparison of the XML provided by the regular preview (i.e. http://localhost:9992/Rhythmyx/sys_cxSupport/variantlist.xml?sys_contentid=#&sys_revision=1&Target=aavariant&sys_folderid=#&refreshHint=none) and the PSOSmartPreview XML (i.e. http://localhost:9992/Rhythmyx/user/addins/psosmartpreview/default.html?sys_contentid=#&sys_revision=1&Target=aavariant&sys_folderid=#&refreshHint=none)

Thanks. Any help here would be greatly appreciated! I will post here if TS gets back to me with a solution.

I think it is a configuration issue within the servlet, but haven’t had time to track it down (And i don’t know if it affects a base 7.1 install either). I don’t want to create 600+ menu entries for our 200 some sites, so not having this work is a 7.1 upgrade stopper.

jitendra, try the attached JAR. Had to make an adjustment to ActionPreviewController.java where it should attach a “targetStyle” element to Action elements. If possible, let me know how this cooperates on 6.7.x

pso-smart-preview-1.0.jar.zip (33.9 KB)

Cool! Thanks! That did it. Does not appear to have any side effects on 6.7 either… Now I’m just waiting for a patch for a speedier slot population and we will be set for upgrading!

Percussion released PSOSmartPreview on github yesterday. I’ve submitted a pull request that includes the change for Percussion CM 7.x support.

After reading the Release notes for 7.1, apparently your issue is a “feature” (section 9.4: “Users can no longer manually add or remove navigational elements from the submenu slot on the
Navon and Navtree items”). I would like to know if the “allowNavonSlotEdit” property is supported (ie. in the server.properties file) as it certainly is not documented…


Thank you for finding this note as we need documentation on “allowNavonSlotEdit” for environments that will need to allow the submenu slot to be edited.

I have added a post providing more information on the Navigation consistency and preventing addition/removal to the nav_submenu slot. The server property allowing this edit has slipped through and will be included in a patch. Please read the following post though and provide any feedback on what specifically you are doing which would require manual rather than automatic modification of this slot. I hope this helps
