Global Template not updating (5.7)

Ok, I’m not sure what I’m missing here, I’m updating the HTML page for my global template, and then I dragged and dropped it into the “rxs_GlobalTemplates” application. It says it was replaced, I save the application and I don’t see any changes to my pages in preview. I stop and started the percussion service, and still no changes.



What happens when you flush the Content Explorer cache?


You may also want to try stopping and restarting the application after you resplit the template. When you clear the browser cache, also clear your java cache as well.

Ok, sorry I’m not that fluent w/ all the Rhythmyx terminology…

“resplit the template”, is that what’s is called when I dragged and dropped the html file into the “rxs_GlobalTemplates” application? Or is there something else to that?

What caches are you referring to? Are you referring to caches on my local browser or on the server? And if there are some caches on the server, how to I clear those?


It’s turns out I had some CDATA tags in my HTML that Rhythmyx didn’t like. I kinda figured I would have gotten an error msg when I saved the application, but I guess not!