Google Page Speed Tips - Part 1 - Download your compressed, minified, content

Percussion has been working on methods, techniques, and features to improve Google Page Speed scores for CM1 managed websites. We have features to improve our overall speed scores under development, but there are also a number of techniques that don’t require product changes that can be used to improve your Google Page Speed Score while you wait. Page Speed Insights is a free service that Google provides to test your web site and your design and content for Page Speed on both Mobile and Desktop experiences.

This series of tips and How to’s are targeted to an intermediate to advanced technical audience. You really do need to know JavaScript, CSS, and Web Server technologies to squeeze the best score out of your design. That said, this first tip is at the beginner level.

If i run a Google Page Speed report on claim the landscapers backyard excuse) today I get a bunch of complaints from Google.

Among them are allot of Optimize Images, Minify CSS, Minify JS complaints. On key pages like the Home page, or key Landing Pages or Lead Generation Pages, ideally, we really want a higher score.

Allot of times, home page imagery and landing page imagery is only updated when they are created and deployed.

If you run a Page Speed on your own key pages, and get the report and a low score, don’t get mad.

Scroll to the very bottom of the page and there will be a link!

That link contains all of the images, javascript, and css that Google is barking about. If you download and extract that zip and update your resources with their optimized versions of those files. Then publish, your score will go up.

We do have a feature in the backlog to optimize images on upload, and another to minify html, css, and js on publish, but in the interim for those key pages that you want to optimize - downloading the Google optimized content - updating and re-publishing can go a long way towards improving your score.

This is only tip #1, more to come, and yes we will address the above the fold issue as part of this series. Checkout [view-source:](http://View Source on the Help Site) and view source if that is stressing you out - the scripts are below the fold. We will get it to it shortly.

Finally if you have any thoughts on this article, compressing, minifying etc please feel free to respond to this post.
