Google Search XML

I am using the VITA Google Search - which is an XML file for our website search engine.

How is the best way to implement this - and be able to use the template I have created within CM1?

Basically it is XML with specific regions for me to cut/paste into > here are the instructions:

Hey Debbie,

I looks like your code was stripped out. For us to see what you’re working with, you will need to paste your code between tags that look like this:

 code goes here 



Well I have the XML for the site that is now live, and I have had to point to each of the site templates pieces.

But my question is how would I do this within percussion? (i.e. select a template and all of that).


Can you point us to some information about the VITA Google Search you are using? A URL or additional information would be helpful to understand what you are looking to do. I am unfamiliar with it, at this point, but would like to look at more information on it, if possible.


The file is here:

About mid-way the coding for the template begins. I was not sure if there was an easier way to do this within the system, so I do not have to rebuild the template for the search.

It basically is what the search results page will appear like.


Are you using Google Custom search as the search provider? Or do you have a Google Search Appliance hosted on site?

We are using the VITA Google, and are given the XML which we brand and then place on our server.


The link you provided is to an XSLT which is a stylesheet for an XML file or document. Typically, something like that is used to style XML provided by a Google Search Appliance, which I think you are using. I am not sure what VITA Google Search is, though, after looking into it a little, it looks like you may have a hosted Google Search Appliance (GSA) through VITA, a tech organization.

From what I have been able to read through a little research, you upload the XSLT to the GSA so it can serve the results using the XSLT styled page. Does this sound accurate?

Yes this is about right.

Do you have an actual search page through or do you have a separate application URL you hit for the search like

From what I can tell this page is presented by the GSA as the results page which would require the template to be in the XSLT and added to the appliance through the administrative interface. For this, you could view the source of one of the pages with the structure you need, and place that source in the XSLT.

A different approach might be to see if the team at VITA has an alternative implementation option, allowing you to consume the results like the Google Custom Search implementation does. Instead of relying on a separate application to serve the template, it simply serves the results to a javascript piece that then displays them in the page.

You might need to check with the team that provides the search appliance, though for the options available.

The coding within the file dictates what the search return page will appear like. The indexing of the site is actually done through the Google piece that VITA sponsors.

Inside of this file, I have to code in a copy of the template using generic HTML and use excapes.

So I was wondering if I still needed to do this and if there was any short cuts.


The coding in that file is definitely what styles the search, but I believe the actual results page is created by the Google Search Appliance using that XSLT you create. I could be wrong, but I believe the Google Search Appliance not only indexes the pages for the website, but also actually displays the results page - not the regular website.

There might be a short cut or different approach you can take for it, but you will have to talk to the team that manages or implements the GSA.

Correct, I have and they basically stated I do as I did last time. I open the file, recode the template to match the newer one inside of CM1.

I just wanted to know if there was an easier way of doing this, rather than breaking up a copy of the template into html pieces and typing it into the file.

But thank you for your response.