google set up

Following documentation, Google setup keeps failing with this message:‘Email does not match key file.’
What do I need to look for?

Hi Lloyd,

Inside of the JSON file you should see the e-mail that the account matches. This e-mail needs to be registered via This is done under the User Management section. You will add permissions for the e-mail you have with Read & Analyze credentials.

You can also find the e-mail address under:

when you first create the service account key. This should be the key that matches the file. Let me know if this helps.


Thank you Chris,

That’s what I needed.

Thanks again,

Hi Lloyd,

Not a problem. There is one more step I would suggest. We currently have a fix for this in the service release due out soon, however until then you can apply the following as well:

Open the sys_assembly.vm file on the CM1 application server located in:

CM1Root -> sys_resources -> vm

On line 590, you will see this line:

ga(‘create’, ‘$wpId’, ‘auto’,’$’ );

Replace it so it looks like this instead:

ga(‘create’, ‘$wpId’, ‘auto’);

From here, run a full publish. Let me know if this works!
