Here is a greasemonkey script that links to different versions of the page preview. I find this invaluable when debugging problems (so i don’t have to hunt through the url to change a parameter…). Right now it only allows for debug/preview, change in item filter (preview/public), and sys_context (301) but should be easy enough to change as needed. These three options show up on the bottom of the page as a series of links and clicking on them links to the preview page with a particular parameter changed…
You must change the [site] and [port] values on the top of the script in order for this to work on your particular rx instance.
// ==UserScript==
// @name vtCMSURLUtils
// @namespace https://[site]
// @description Rewrites URL for previewing
// @include https://[site]:[port]/Rhythmyx/assembler/*
// ==/UserScript==
function addGlobalStyle(css) {
var head, style;
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!head) { return; }
style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = css;
var current_url = window.location.href;
var debugTxt, previewTxt, contTxt;
// debug/render
var url_base = (current_url.indexOf("Rhythmyx/assembler/")+19);
var compareStr = current_url.substring(url_base, url_base+6);
var debug_render_url, part1, part2;
if (compareStr == "render"){
part1 = current_url.substring(0, url_base);
part2 = current_url.substring(url_base+6, current_url.length);
debug_render_url = part1+'debug'+part2;
debugTxt = "Debug";
part1 = current_url.substring(0, url_base);
part2 = current_url.substring(url_base+5, current_url.length);
debug_render_url = part1+'render'+part2;
// public/preview
var pub_prev_url;
var loc_itemFilt = current_url.indexOf("sys_itemfilter=") +15;
var itemFilt = current_url.substring(loc_itemFilt, loc_itemFilt +6);
if (itemFilt == "public"){
part1 = current_url.substring(0, loc_itemFilt);
part2 = current_url.substring(loc_itemFilt+6, current_url.length);
pub_prev_url = part1+"preview"+part2;
previewTxt = "Preview";
}else if (itemFilt == "previe"){
part1 = current_url.substring(0, loc_itemFilt);
part2 = current_url.substring(loc_itemFilt+7, current_url.length);
pub_prev_url = part1+"public"+part2;
pub_prev_url ="#";
previewTxt = "N/A";
// sys_context
var sys_context_url;
var loc_sysCont = current_url.indexOf("sys_context=") +12;
var sysCont = current_url.substring(loc_sysCont, loc_sysCont +1);
if (sysCont == "0"){
part1 = current_url.substring(0, loc_sysCont);
part2 = current_url.substring(loc_sysCont+1, current_url.length);
sys_context_url = part1+"301"+part2;
contTxt = "301 (Published)";
}else if (sysCont == "3"){
part1 = current_url.substring(0, loc_sysCont);
part2 = current_url.substring(loc_sysCont+3, current_url.length);
sys_context_url = part1+"0"+part2;
contTxt = "0 (Preview)";
sys_context_url ="#";
var desc, div;
div = document.createElement('div'); = 'vtCMSUrlBar';
desc = '<div><ul><li class="first"><a href="'+debug_render_url+'">'+debugTxt+'</a></li>';
desc = desc + '<li><a href="'+pub_prev_url+'">'+previewTxt+'</a></li>';
desc = desc + '<li><a href="'+sys_context_url+'">'+contTxt+'</a></li>';
desc = desc + '</ul></div>';
div.innerHTML = desc; = "4em";
function() {
'#vtCMSUrlBar {'+
' position: fixed;' +
' left: 0;' +
' right: 0;' +
' bottom: 0;' +
' top: auto;' +
' border-top: 1px solid silver;' +
' background: black;' +
' color: white;' +
' margin: 1em 0 0 0;' +
' padding: 5px 0 0.4em 0;' +
' width: 100%;' +
' font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;' +
' font-size: small;' +
' z-index: 10000;' +
' line-height: 160%;' +
'}' +
'#vtCMSUrlBar a,' +
'#vtCMSUrlBar li,' +
'#vtCMSUrlBar span,' +
'#vtCMSUrlBar strong {' +
' background-color: transparent;' +
' color: white;' +
'}' +
'#vtCMSUrlBar div {' +
' margin: 0 1em 0 1em;' +
'}' +
'#vtCMSUrlBar div ul {' +
' margin-left: 0;' +
' margin-bottom: 5px;' +
' padding-left: 0;' +
' display: inline;' +
'}' +
'#vtCMSUrlBar div ul li {' +
' margin-left: 0;' +
' padding: 3px 15px;' +
' border-left: 1px solid silver;' +
' list-style: none;' +
' display: inline;' +
'}' +
'#vtCMSUrlBar div ul li.first {' +
' border-left: none;' +
' padding-left: 0;' +