Grouping related content in Content Explorer

Does anyone know of a way to display related content in a group/hierarchy in the content explorer, either in a folder display or a view?

I have content items that represent Seminars, and other content items that represent Seminar Locations, which get connected to Seminars as related/dependent content items for Active Assembly. Our users work with related content a lot - i.e. edit the Seminar, and then edit the Locations it uses. I would like to be able to allow them to view a list of content items organized in groups, based on parent-child relationships.

And if this isn’t possible - are there some other ways people have found that work to make content editors lives easier when dealing with related content? I’d like to make their process as simple as possible, without extra steps like opening the Impact Analysis list.


Hi Kathleen

You could certainly create a view for each group of seminar/locations. All a view is a xml resource so all you have to do is design your query to return back the required results using the view.dtd. Once you have this then create a view that points to this application

Have a look at the defaultfolderpaths resource in the sys_cxView application for guidance (but dont change anything!!!). I normally copy the defaultfolderpaths resource and paste it into a new applcation call xxx_cxViews so that it survives an upgrade.


Thanks for this suggestion - I’ll take a look…
