Have an option to default to Javascript Disabled

Because I need to access one of my client’s Percussion back-ends via a VPN, the Javascript breaks, and it takes minutes to load each page. I’d love to have a site-wide option to default to Disable Javascript throughout the site.

Not only would this be useful for existing customers who have brought in their JavaScript manually and run into these type of scripting conflicts with the CM1 UI, I also think this would be very helpful for customers using LiveFirst, where existing JavaScript can be especially disruptive when breaking down a template from an existing page. Plus 1 from me, thanks Todd!

This is somewhat related to Todd’s but it’s not VPN though. I will create an idea after this.

Nathaniel - Is it possible to disable javascript by default? I’ll explain what happened and Keith can vouch it for me.

In Page level, on Layout tab, when I dragged HTML widget, the widget “freeze” and not able to edit anything. Therefore I cannot delete that widget I added. The only option was to trash that page which I don’t want to.

I think it will be very very useful to have that option. Thanks!

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Have an option to default to Javascript Disabled.

Is it possible to disable javascript by default? I’ll explain what happened and Keith can vouch it for me.

In Page level, on Layout tab, when I dragged HTML widget, the widget “freeze” and not able to edit anything. Therefore I cannot delete that widget I just added. The only option was to trash that page which I don’t want to.

I think it will be very very useful to have that option. Thanks!

This would be a nice option to have!