I’m sure I’m missing something simple here so just looking for someone to point out the obvious error. I am working with some third party code we purchased. I try to reference the CSS files in the headcode without luck. If I past the code directly in the CSS override in the Style tab, everything works fine. Obviously it must not be referenced correctly. Our website is not live yet so I can’t show a sample of the page. The reference I am using is below… any obvious errors there?
Also, the files are uploaded to that location.
Woops… just noticed it didn’t post the reference link examples. Here they are:
Hi Josh,
One thing I noticed is a missing " at the end of the 2nd css file reference. Try changing that and let me know if it works out.
I tried that but it didn’t work. I did some playing around and more searching and I had a nasty amount of headcode in the template from the migration. I think it was just creating a lot of conflicts. Long story short it works now though!
I am having one problem still. On the template in question, I have a HTML widget and a rich text widget. I use the HTML widget as there is a lot of code used to created some tabbed content using CSS and pasting in the Rich Text causes a bunch of errors do to empty tags. Using that though, the region does not expand with the amount of content in the widget so it basically overflows over my footer section. I have been cheating by using the rich text widget to add in a bunch of blank space as that type of widget will push the region down.
I have the “ui-helper-clearfix” in the additional CSS classes for that region but that doesn’t help. The problem only seems to occur with HTML widgets. Thoughts?
Try adding the ui-helper-clearfix to the html widget. You can add classes to widgets in the Style Tab.
The wrench icon is grayed out on the Style tab in Design mode. Is that where I should be adding the class?