Help! Cannot publish anything following Upgrade to 2.13

I just upgraded from CM1 2.7 to 2.8 and then to 2.10 and 2.13, all consecutively.

Since I have upgraded I am unable to Publish or Activate with my Activation key.

Please see this screenshot

Hi Kevin,

The first thing I would do would be to clear your browser’s entire cache. After upgrading CM1, cached elements of an older version’s UI can cause usability issues and errors while working in the application. This is especially likely in your case, as significant changes have been made to the Admin > Publish section of CM1 since version 2.7. Let me know if clearing your cache helps.

Clearing the cache solved the Activation problem, but I’m still getting the “unable to get the list of servers for” error in my screenshot above when I navigate to the Publish section of CM1. I get this message for all of my sites.


Ok, I’m going to open up a support ticket in our support portal for this issue, so that you can share your system’s log file with me. Please check your inbox shortly for a notification.