Help with cloning conditional - Rx 6.7

I am going crazy trying to write a conditional for shallow cloning:

Conditional (PSXOriginatingRelationshipProperty/category = rs_promotable OR PSXOriginatingRelationshipProperty/category = rs_copy) OR
Conditional (PSXOriginatingRelationshipProperty/category = rs_translation AND PSXContentItemData/sys_contenttypeid = 348)

This works without: ‘AND PSXContentItemData/sys_contenttypeid = 348’

when I add it it becomes false even though I have an item of contenttypeid 348 in my slot.

Should have said that this is for an ActiveAssembly relationship shallow cloning condition

Also what does PSXContentItemData/sys_contenttypeid give me?
a. The content type id of the relationship owner?
b. The content type id of the relationship dependant (which is what I want to test for)?


Try using Current Relationship Property/dependent/sys_contentid. That should get the result you want.



Thanks for the suggestion but it’s sys_contenttypeid I want to test not sys_contentid

Effectively I have five content types that should only shallow clone in a slot relationship and the rest I want to deep clone.


I looked at your use case with our senior architect, and at the moment Percussion CM System does not expose the data to support the condition you want to test.


Thanks for that.

So the question is can I expose the data I need to make the conditional test?


We looked into that, and unfortunately, the answer at this point is no.

If access to this functionality is critical for you, please open a ticket with tech support.