Home Page Link


Should the following print the URL of the home page…?


…if put in a snippet template, which is used by the rffNav slot, called from the global template of a site, using something like the following…

#slot("rffNav" "" "" "" "" "template=cmsSnExtNavBottom")

…and the site is set up, there is a NavTree, and the NavTree has been linked to a content item using the “Nav Landing Page” slot of the NavTree. All the NavOns below the NavTree which have been linked to content items as landing pages work. But the NavTree doesn’t. The above code prints a hash instead of the URL when previewing. I’ve compared the set up of navons to navtrees, and I cannot see a difference that would account for this. Should I report this as a bug or am I missing something really obvious?

This may seem like a very basic question, but until now we have been working on a site that doesn’t have a single home page, hence we’ve never tried this before. Then again, it isn’t explicitly covered in the documentation, unless I have missed it. I am only going by what the FastForward templates use to do the same thing.



Also, the following prints the content ID of the landing page associated with the NavTree, so the relationship does exist:


Seemingly just the getProperty(“nav:url”) method is broken.



What build is this? It is before or after patch Rx-13071 ?


We are on RX-13552


I’m experiencing more problems with Velocity code that uses $nav.root*. Is this a bug I should report to Technical Support or can anyone think of something I might have forgotten in the set up?


Further experimentation has revealed that this is a problem with the specific navtree of the site I was developing. Other navtrees on other sites in the same Rhythmyx system work.

I have no idea when or how this one navtree became “corrupted” in some way. Is there a way to fix it? I have noticed an option called “Nav Reset” but can find no documentation to help me decide whether it would help or harm in this situation. What is Nav Reset?



Nav Reset is a backwards-compatibility option for system upgraded from Rhythmyx Version 5.7 and earlier. In those versions, the complete navigation tree was built during previews. If changes were made that affected navigation (e.g., moving, adding, or removing Folders), the navigation tree had to be regenerated to ensure that the previews stayed in sync. (In Rhythmyx Version 6.0 and later, only the relevant navigation tree fragment is generated, and it is generated “on the fly”, so no navigation reset is necessary.)

Nav Reset will not help resolve a corrupt navtree.


Thanks for the explanation. I’ve now raised this as a bug with technical support.


I’m experiencing exactly the same problem with our implementation, though with Enterprise Investments, $nav.root.getProperty(“nav:url”).String does return the URL of the homepage (ie the landing page of the NavTree). However, on our site, we just get #.

Does anyone have any idea as to why we’re not getting the correct value for the nav:url? Could it be something to do with the way our site is set up?

Alternatively, is there a good workaround? I’ve created one using $rx.location.generate(), passing all parameters, but although it gives the right URL, it’s throwing some errors during publishing that I’d like to erradicate.

We’re on RX-15659.


Was this issue ever solved? I’ve run into this issue and I’m hoping there’s an fairly simple solution available.


On investigation, we have found that, in the earlier case, the customer logged an incident with Tech Support, who discovered and resolved issues in the implementation. No defect was logged.

Shane and Matt, please contact Tech Support for assistance on this issue.