How can I check if I have broken links on my site?

tried downloading rel link checker and xenu.

can’t figure out to to check a page that has external links that has broken links (ex. index has 100 external links, i want to check if the links are still active or broken).

using xenu, i just save the source index.html, and just load as local file in xenu. works great!

That is the LinkChecker I am using and I really like it. I also am now using: SpellChecker 1.3.2 but they do not mention all you do is right click and the checker is there under “Check Spelling”.

Our work flow has it so I get notification and review / approve all things - so these tools really help me out. I also use Firebug (Percussion recommended).

I’ve tried Link Tiger but am trouble getting it to run. I get this error message:

  • Check with your system administrator the firewall settings, make sure that IPs $monitor_ips (used by Linktigers crawler) is not blocked or filtered.
  • Check with your system administrator the web-server settings. Make sure requests from IP $monitor_ips are not denied in the web-server configuration.

I know the crawler will come through on standard ports and the firewall will allow all ips on standard ports. I’m wondering if the problem is in the CMS or apache setup blocking the crawler? Anybody else have trouble with Link Tiger on Percussion?

Carrie, I’ve never used Link Tiger specifically, but I would guess that your implementation of secure sections would pose issues for these types of full site crawlers. I wonder if there would be a way to filter out certain URL paths (i.e. your secure sections) from being crawled when using one of these tools?

I can’t even get the Link Tiger to crawl the non-secured sections. Any thoughts on why it may not be crawling any of the pages?

Hi Carrie,

Link Tiger appeared to crawl your site successful based on the email they just sent back to me, but I’m unable to access the full results without registering so I really can’t investigate this any further. Have you tried any of the tools that the users above have had success with?

Having the same problem. if you figure anything out I would love to know. I need a link checker that will check the links in PDFs hosted on the site which is the problem with most of the other suggestions on here.

The best approach to check for any broken links on your site is to use link checking software. Most applications will check normal hyperlinks, images, stylesheets, scripts, and other resources. A recommended best practice is to use the software to generate a report before publishing or prior to going live with your site in order to verify any broken links. A couple popular link checking applications are REL Link Checker and Xenu Link Sleuth.

After failed attempts at using some of the downloadable s/w suggested, I found the perfect solution, which is a FireFox extension called LinkChecker 0.6.7. You can check the links of any web page just by selecting the extension from the Firefox Tools menu and it proceeds to check and color code every link on the page. This is fabulous!